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Sustainable Spaces Collective

The Sustainable Spaces Collective (SSC) is an unincorporated non-profit association comprised of queer, indigenous, latinx, black, and non-QTPOC organizers from across the U.S who gathered with the common purpose of fostering sustainable living practices through public workshops and empowerment.

We currently offer free workshops & assistance to spaces in the Midwest and Northeastern regions.

Our Mission

The creation of infrastructure is not only expensive–but more often than not–neglectful of both the environment and the people who fight to defend it. As a collective we are bringing what we've learned about creating sustainable spaces directly to the next generation(s) of individuals preparing financially autonomous & ecologically responsible urban, rural, & frontline communities.

We are committed to:


SSC is committed to empowering Frontline communities by hosting workshops on building low-impact, sustainable, housing & living infrastructure. In addition to hosting police liaison, jail support, street medic, GWS, and de-escalation trainings.


Our workshops in long-term sustainable building are designed to provide more people with a means for acquiring a sustainable and permanent housing solution. The workshops are meant to be semi-mobile and will result in the development of new infrastructure for the sake of proper teaching and demonstration.

Food sovereignty:

In an effort to increase accessibility to agriculture, SSC organizes volunteer crews to build free greenhouses for new gardeners, and free tilling and/or raised beds for elders.  In conjunction with promoting overall regional independence by production, volunteer teams build & secure storage facilities for the community to consolidate, process, & redistribute surplus produce and/or other excess commodities.


After training willing participants, SSC connects individuals to harm reduction supplies and informational materials so that the participants may be capable of hosting their own formal and informal harm-reduction informational seminars. 

Grant writing: 

SSC organizes a volunteer grant writing team to assist other grassroots organizations find operational support and fund key projects.