Sustainable Spaces School (Coming Soon)
SSC is purchasing land devoted to hosting free workshops, year-round. The space will function as a school and is projected to open late Spring 2024 with our team working on developing physical earthen infrastructure throughout the remainder of the year. We plan to offer classes in a wide range of topics including but not limited to:
Twine Lash
> Gazebo workshop
> Simple A-frame workshop
> Shed workshop
> Bookshelf/Shelf workshop
>Twine lash impromptu infrastructure workshop
Making simple tools
> Make your own Broom/Rake workshop
> Crude basket workshop
> How-to tri/bi-pods & simple machines workshop
> Wood spoon carving workshop
> Carving your own fiber craft accessories (Yarn needles, Crochet hook)
> Brick making workshop
> Birch Bark Knife Sheath workshop
> Wheat paste, the first glue (& hollow book making) workshop
> Tree-sap resin torch/Glue making workshop
>Timber framing workshop
> Waddle raised woven garden-bed/compost bin workshop
> Fire 101 workshop
>Find your own clay workshop (Refine clay out of the ground)
>Woodfire pottery firing workshop
>How to make your own wood fire kiln
>Tile making Workshop
>Pottery glaze experiment workshop (Salt glazing, Ash glazing, Crush stuff into glaze formulas!)
>Set up your own wood stove workshop
> Build your own earthen wood-stove (brick, stone, cob)
>Cob oven workshop
>Simple Cob Structure workshop
>Insulated cob structures workshop
>Rocket mass stove workshop
>Build your own forge
>Impromptu anvils & forge tools
>Simple knives
>Building a smelting furnace
>Making ingots
Working with roadkill- Animal Rendering
>Soap Making workshop
>Candle-making workshop
>Processing sinew workshop
>Hide-tanning workshop
>Bone jewelry workshop
Natural Cooking
> Make your own Natural Soda(s) workshop (ginger bug, pine needle…)
>Acorn Jelly
>Preserving food with fire smoke
>DIY Wine workshop
>DIY Vinegar workshop
>Cooking with a cob oven workshop
Fibre Crafts
>Processing Raw wool workshop (cleaning, carding/roving-making)
>Intro to spinning-drop spindle workshop
>Intro to cordage making workshop
>Street Medicine 101
> Direct Action History
>NVDA Training (including de-escalation, de-arrest, etc.)
>Police Liaison Training
Line 5
We follow the leadership of local land defenders & offer our aid in providing infrastructure and the use of our bodies to end the Line 5 threat and the danger it poses to the waters of the Great Lakes.
Cob oven workshop
Gardening projects
*We created a low cost greenhouse and composting bin as part of the Babaamaanakwwad community space
-Support & participation in the movement to Stop Line 3
-Yearly collaboration and technical assistance at the Water is Life Festival in Michigan
Housing/Natural Building
-7 Wood & Twine-Lash buildings through our Natural Housing Initiative
-A cob pizza oven and covered structure built with fully harvested materials at a family farm in Menomonie, WI
Harm Reduction
-Construction and maintenance of a full-sized medic building to support access to & distribution of Narcan & other basic medical supplies
-Collaboration on harm reduction & street medic trainings with Street medic collectives
Grant writing
-$50,000 awarded to community spaces through our Grant Writing Initiative